Friday, June 12, 2020

Knowing about Islam


By: Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab
 Islam, is surrender to Allah with monotheism and submit to Him with full obedience to all His commands and save yourself from acts of shirk and those who do syirk.
And Islam, in that sense, has three levels, namely: Islam, Faith and Ihsan, each level has its pillars.
 ISLAMIC LEVEL As for the level of Islam, there are five pillars:
1.     Shahada (confession with heart and oral) that "Laa Ilaaha Ilallaah" (There is no worship that is haq other than Allah) and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
2.      Establish prayer.
3.     Issue zakat.
4.     Shiyam in Ramadan.
5.     Hajj to Baitullah Al-Haram.
Let’s see:
1.     The Evidence of Shahada
 The Word of Allah Ta'ala.
 "Allah states that there is no god (the Truth) but Him, by always upholding justice (also stated such) the angels and those who have knowledge . There is no worship (the haq) besides Him. The Almighty is the Most Wise ". [Al-Imraan / 3: 18]
 "Laa Ilaaha Ilallaah" ‘means: There is no worship except Allah.
This creed contains two elements: reject and determine. "Laa Ilaaha", is to reject all worship except Allah. "Illallaah" is to establish that worship is only for Allah, nothing can be used as an ally in worship of Him, as nothing can be made an ally in His power.
The interpretation of the creed is clarified by the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
"And (remember) when Abraham said to his father and to his people: 'Verily I declare independence from everything you worship, except God who created me, for surely He will point '. And (Ibrahim) to make the phrase of unity the eternal sentence in the offspring so that they always come back (to tawhid). "[Az-Zukhruf / 43: 26-28]
And also in [Ali ‘Imran / 3: 64]:
 " Let us say to a sentence that is not in dispute between us and you, namely; let us not worship other than Allah and not associate anything with Him, and let no part of us make another part of a god besides Allah. If they turn away then say to them: 'Watch that we are Muslims (surrender to Allah)'. [Ali ‘Imran / 3: 64]
The creed proposition that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. The Word of Allah Ta'ala.:
 "It has come unto you a Messenger from among yourselves, felt heavy to him agony, desperately wanted (faith and salvation) for you, so the mercy more compassionate to people who believe ". [at-Taubah / 9: 128]
Creed that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, means: Obey what he has commanded, justify what he preaches, stay away from what is forbidden and prevented, and worship God only in the manner prescribed.
2.     Evidence of Salat and Zakat and interpretation of Tawheed.
 The Word of Allah Ta'ala
"And they were not commanded except to worship Allah in order that, by purifying obedience to Him again to be straight, and that they establish Salah and Zakat issued. That is the direction of a straight religion ". [al-Bayyinah / 98: 5] 3.
 Arguments of the Word of Allah Ta'ala.
O ye who believe It is obligatory upon you to do shiyam, as it was obliged to those before you, so that you be cautious ". [Al-Baqarah / 2: 183]
4. Dalj Hajj.
The Word of Allah Ta'ala.
And only to God, for man shall perform the Hajj, which is (for) people who are able to travel to the House. And whoever denies (the obligation of Hajj) then surely Allah does not need the universe ". [Al ‘Imran / 3: 97)]

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